Hold the Vision


5pm nap time commences - GO! What are you going to do?! Ahhhh the dilemma. If you asked me this morning I would have told you - my hair (or my nails.) See, I agreed with myself last night - that today I was no longer going to look like a zombie mom from the swamp…and that I would start using nap times more wisely for some sort of beauty routine. And so, here we are, the familiar rush of anxiety kicks in as I run through the un-ending list of chores & life ‘to-do’s’. BUT… I also have this awesome inspiration to write!… so, to write OR to detangle, moisturize, and style my locks? 

I know the sooner I do my hair, the better I’ll feel and it’s one less thing for me to think about in the morning… another side of me feels so inclined to follow where my inner voice leads, which is to write. Which one can’t I do while he’s awake? I ask myself. If I’m productive in one way ( i.e writing this blog post) then it will boost my ambition and likelihood of completing other tasks (i.e my hair & nails). I will go where the ambition is now! Is this LEAST EFFORT?! Please let this be least effort! I head to find my journal, adding hair back onto the list for tonight - along with: dinner & kitchen clean-up, nursing, tummy time & bedtime…. I’m sure I’ll be adjusting this list again but for now, this is what I’m working with.

Part of my vision for this year is to write consistently & share my work. Writing was the necessary choice.

The Following Day

I come back to you with hair twisted (this morning admittedly) and a drive to keep putting one foot in front of the other. All of my instincts seem to be in line with this vision, so my journey is to follow them. To continually say yes to the inner voice no matter what the outside world may appear to be communicating. There will always be chores and hair-do’s to tend to, but I must feed the inspiration. I find peace of mind in expression and with peace, I can manage mom life so much better!

So parents, in those free moments, choose you. Hold the vision, YOUR vision for YOUR life. Let inspiration lead you. Feeding our creative expression fuels & nourishes us, and we are better for it.

Now is the time, we draw upon the infinite.

~ Khadija


Getting clear, in the new year


Somethings from the Gram