Getting clear, in the new year

How to move intentionally towards yours dreams in 2022.

What is my direction for this year? Is it too late to ask that question more than a month into the new year? I think not, and here’s why…

I’ve been bubbling with this fresh energy of the new year and honestly no clear direction. It’s been seemingly impossible for me to write out my specific goals for 2022 and I have “Vision Board” on my to-do list for the gazillionth week in a row (it’s been getting shuffled around since December). After the two weeks of travel we did at the end of the year, I was spent…. quite literally and figuratively. It’s been hard to dive into this new energy head first, but a calming thought has been - what if right now is for resting, dreaming, allowing quiet inspiration?

My latest spiritual musing has been: go where inspiration leads you. Is this part of the trust that I am seeking? Knowing that what I am doing is in alignment…that, if I walk the true path of my heart, I will be covered? 

When I have these moments of clarifying questioning, nothing is impossible. I am optimistic about how to accomplish all of my goals and the abundance surely to follow…right?! I am holding the vision. But, as the enormity of it all sets in, I quickly digress into ‘how mode’. I get stuck in the muddiness of sorting out my plan. Honestly, the breakdown and execution is what scares me, and so many others, and thus, we procrastinate. The steps to put wheels in motion, or to keep them moving consistently, seems too hard to conceive.

What I have found to be true, consistently, is that we can choose our experience. We have more say so then we give ourselves credit for. Yes, it is a big responsibility, but how empowering when we remember - that we are the creators of this life experience. Digging deeper into the mud, I sort myself with more questions.

Here are my top 5 questions I asked myself to FINALLY get clear on my 2022! As you answer these for yourself, try to be as specific as possible.

1.)What do you want your days to feel like? -What will this require of you each day?

2.)What do you want for your family? -What will this require of you each day?

3.)How will  you expand creatively this year? -What will this require of you each day?

4.)What do you want this year to mean for your life?  -What will this require of you each day?

5.)How will you spend your free time? 

Is this  your concrete list of plans and breakdown of steps on how to accomplish your goals? No. But do you feel better, more optimistic and clear about what you want out of life, outside of the material things? I surely do!  I’m manifesting a larger apartment with updated amenities, and I know it will require a shift in our finances to get there. By focusing on how I move through the world and nourishing myself,  I ensure that I am showing up as my best, most authentic self. I am on my way faster because I am open and ready to receive all that I am wanting. Sometimes life shows up in ways we don’t expect, always for our betterment, but we can easily block our blessings if we are in a state of resistance. 

So get clear, this year, on how you want to feel. What motivates you? When are you at your best? Questions Questions! Yes, I know. They will never stop if you are in the business of growth and empowerment. There is ultimate power in our knowledge of self.

Always Love,


Follow along on my IG journey to see how I’m intending to feel this year! I’ll be discussing what resonates with me, and how I’ll be using these questions to fuel my daily actions and get the results that I want!


Creative Love


Hold the Vision